The State has filed its response to Syed’s Motion to Reopen Postconviction Proceedings: State’s Consolidated Response. Here are the State’s Exhibits:…
State Files Consolidated Syed Response

The State has filed its response to Syed’s Motion to Reopen Postconviction Proceedings: State’s Consolidated Response. Here are the State’s Exhibits:…
Adnan Syed today filed his Reply brief in his Motion to Re-Open Post-Conviction Proceedings in the Circuit Court of Baltimore City. The brief: Exhibits:…
Here is today’s filing regarding cell tower evidence: Supp. to Mot. to Reopen FINAL And here is Exhibit 1: Exhibit 1 (AT&T fax) 404…
Today we filed Syed’s Motion to Re-Open Post-Conviction. This is in response to the Remand Order issued by the Court of Special Appeals on May 18, 2015. Here is a link to the filing: Motion-to-Reopen-As-Filed-w-Exs.-optimized…